Friday, January 29, 2010

Constant Vigilance

Everybody needs to pay close attention on what’s happening in the Pacific right now. The Middle East is the US’s current focal point, but Korea and China could quickly supplant it. North and South Korea have been exchanging warning shots since Wednesday. North Korea claims it has been taking part in a regular military exercise by launching missiles over the disputed sea border. South Korea has responded by lobbing missiles back warningly. Earlier this week South Korea also expressed that they have no problem using force against North Korea. Keep your eyes on that because if they go to war the US will likely be dragged into the fight.
The US is also set to announce an arms deal with Taiwan, China’s disputed territory. China has repeatedly warned the US about arms deals with Taiwan, because China believes that Taiwan is its property. Taiwan claims that they are a free nation. The weapons are mainly defensive weapons, but in such close proximity anything can be used offensively. The US is already at odds with China for several reasons and this won’t help relations with the largest economy in the world (and our current world banker of choice).
Keep your eyes open.

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